
Works of Fiction

Creating characters, settings, or even whole worlds is a long-time joy of mine, one where I get to flex my creative muscles and try to encourage others to do the same. While my blog in general deals with all number of topics, here’s a curated list of all of my works of fiction – content inspired from other works, games I’ve played, or spun out of whole cloth.

My wonderful supporters on Patreon can view upcoming  entries several days before general release – thank you for your support!

Currently I have two long-running story arcs going: the Lavis Chronicles which explores a civilization’s first steps onto the galactic stage, and Covert Ops about two American operatives fighting a Bolivian drug cartel. I hope you enjoy!

The Cavernous Deep

The Cavernous Deep

“Try your might and come back a hero!” the sweaty merchant called out as he futilely fanned himself. The adventurers, ignoring the man’s small stockpile of goods, ran past without a second look. It was good business, setting up shop in the Northern Barrens, but...

North of Twilight

North of Twilight

Debu watched his companions stride confidently toward the abandoned village below, relegating himself to posting camp atop the small hillock that oversaw the mysterious and altogether uninviting sprawl of destroyed homes and flattened buildings. “First the old witch...



Mason Thomas was not a pleasant creature. Surly, demanding, and aggressive, few in the area enjoyed the thought of seeing him in passing, let alone collaborating with him. Quick to anger and long to hold a grudge, he had little if any of the social tact his...

Order in the Universe

Order in the Universe

"There is a terrible beast stalking these woods, grandmother," the spiritual guide cautioned in earnest to the unflappable old woman who stood, stooped, in the entrance of her small hovel hidden among the trees. " Will you come with us back to the town? We wish to...

FA: Fresh Breath

FA: Fresh Breath

Handwritten records from colonist N. Laughton, field biologist, detailed the first days experienced after the event. Handwriting analysts suggest the calm strokes of her pen serve as testament to many previous outings into unexplored territory, making careful...

FA: Land Legs

FA: Land Legs

Handwriting analysis has determined that the following journal entry was written by passenger A. Oberge, and penned shortly after arrival on planet Cassia. The sharp penmanship indicates a high level of stress or agitation during the document's creation. Psychologists...

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