Poetic Musing-old

Poetic Musings

Thank you for taking this literary journey with me! Here I post personal thoughts on social issues, reflections about day-to-day living, and of course a healthy amount of stories inspired by the many games I’ve played over the years. I try to update several times a week, and genuinely appreciate the care and support of all who read these words, whether the post is fanciful or heartfelt.

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The Difficulty of BYOD

The Difficulty of BYOD

Gaining real steam in 2017, "bring your own device" was an initiative in IT that was designed to reduce corporate overhead and increase employee productivity by encouraging employees to use their own laptops and cell phones for work purposes, rather than investing in...

Strangers in the Night (Run Idea)

Strangers in the Night (Run Idea)

There's no real point in sugar-coating it, chummers, so I'll get right to the point: this is a weird one. The Johnson thinks his mansion is haunted – like horror-sim haunted – and wants an "expert team" to round up whatever's got him spooked. The old man specifically...

High Speed Internet and Data Caps

High Speed Internet and Data Caps

While consumers are often inundated with advertisements for ever-increasing speeds for internet access, service providers often hide a nasty caveat in their contracts – including on so-called "unlimited" plans – that can put a damper on the end-user's ability to...

Rogg: Home Far From Home

Rogg: Home Far From Home

Waiting until evening to continue my journey was a good idea – not only was I able to spend much of the afternoon talking with the infrequent travelers who stopped in, I also saw how life on the frontier was for the soldiers and guardians of the Horde. I...

Slipstream (Mage Concept)

Slipstream (Mage Concept)

His first clear memory was watching his father cut firewood at their winter cabin, and being transfixed by the fact that he could see the ax fall noticeably before he heard the chop. Ever since, the concepts of light and sound fascinated him, and he followed his...

Conquest: Spoils of War

Conquest: Spoils of War

Graven Ashe and Voices of Nerat could be heard even before I entered the command tent. Each extolled their own virtues while attempting to minimize the others' contributions to the recent battles, trying to proclaim that their army deserved the glory of...

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