Poetic Musing-old

Poetic Musings

Thank you for taking this literary journey with me! Here I post personal thoughts on social issues, reflections about day-to-day living, and of course a healthy amount of stories inspired by the many games I’ve played over the years. I try to update several times a week, and genuinely appreciate the care and support of all who read these words, whether the post is fanciful or heartfelt.

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Farther Afield (Run Idea)

Farther Afield (Run Idea)

Corporations build all kinds of research labs, high-rise offices, and secure facilities of every stripe. They have not only dominated but also defined the city skylines for generations. All of this has become a regular and accepted part of modern living. What worries...

We’re Wrong about SSL

We’re Wrong about SSL

On behalf of everyone working in technology and information security, I want to apologize. The world changed very quickly and some of our old, canned advice didn't apply any more, and we as communicators did a poor job getting the word out. I want to take this...

The Little Duron that Could

The Little Duron that Could

Before the eta of multi-core processors, my techie friends and I spent much of our college years striving to squeeze our computer hardware to the limit. CPU clock speed felt like the most important thing in the world as we spent endless evening hunched over our...

The Liar’s Chair (Mage Concept)

The Liar’s Chair (Mage Concept)

It’s easy to look at the news, to the victims of domestic or foreign crime, and think “they must have done something to deserve that.” One of the first bulwarks of sanity is to shy away from the idea that the universe is chaotic, uncaring, and without purpose. Poor...

Centrifuge Ploy (Runner Concept)

Centrifuge Ploy (Runner Concept)

College is often the prime years for new adults to try new things and truly discover who they are as individuals, no longer under the direct molding of family or historic friend groups. For James and Andrea, these discoveries would lead to a lifetime of unexpected...

The Race to 20

The Race to 20

One of my favorite Heroes of the Storm character to play is Nazeebo. A witch doctor from the Diablo franchise, his primary roles include off-laning—meaning he can be somewhat self-sufficient when the rest of the team is elsewhere—and being very annoying in team...

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