Poetic Musings
Thank you for taking this literary journey with me! Here I post personal thoughts on social issues, reflections about day-to-day living, and of course a healthy amount of stories inspired by the many games I’ve played over the years. I try to update several times a week, and genuinely appreciate the care and support of all who read these words, whether the post is fanciful or heartfelt.
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MotW: Clearing the Air
"Attack!" Roger yelled as the agitated swarm took flight, knowing immediately the element of surprise had been lost. Ismene ducked quickly, away from the pigeon-sized wasps, who seemed to leave her alone as they swarmed the rest of the group. Seth's mystical...
The Famine (Campaign Teaser)
Something was wrong with the Emerald Empire. No-one wanted to admit it, but the unprecedented drought and famine had brought even the most well-stocked Clans to the edge of starvation. Something had to be done to ensure everyone’s survival. Shugenja and oracles from...
Conquest: Spiritual Weapons
While I desired to visit Sentinel Stand, home of the last living Regent and likely where Graven Ashe's daughter was being held, across the wind- and storm-swept countryside I caught sight of a tall spire, standing defiantly against the magical horrors which raged on...
Rejoining Academia
Recently having enrolled in several online learning courses – primarily for professional development – I had a long look at my options before making a final decision about what path I'd head down. Two years ago I explored the idea of getting an MBA, but the price for...
MotW: The Sweet Smell of Progress
Having assembled five additional reinforcements from the surface, Roger talked to them as if he were General Patton detailing the post-Normandy invasion of France. "We're going to go in, we're going to secure this base, and none of you will ever talk...
The End of Salisburg
Spending time inside the makeshift prison cell didn't bother me – after all, it was quiet, comfortable, and had some nice art on the walls – but waking up to find myself inside it always did. Bolting upright with the slow realization that I must have lost my mind...