Poetic Musing-old

Poetic Musings

Thank you for taking this literary journey with me! Here I post personal thoughts on social issues, reflections about day-to-day living, and of course a healthy amount of stories inspired by the many games I’ve played over the years. I try to update several times a week, and genuinely appreciate the care and support of all who read these words, whether the post is fanciful or heartfelt.

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Skill Plateaus

Skill Plateaus

It has been said that when men compete, only three results really matter for bragging rights – who won first, who won the most, and who won the final game. The 1998 movie Rounders talks about winning and losing in poker thusly: "Few players recall big pots they have...

MotW: Descending

MotW: Descending

With the sounds of demon-on-demon combat echoing from the next room, the investigators took a moment to catch their breath, take stock of their situation, and patch up the wounded. While Ismene and Tammy tended to his savaged chest, Tommy introduced their newest...

MotW: Titans

MotW: Titans

Trying to get a good angle with her camera on the otherworldly brawl taking place in the corridor, Ismene gasped and stepped back into the airlock. "The imps are more chimera – the demon-animal hybrids the scientists were talking about! They're almost fully...

MotW: Demon Depths

MotW: Demon Depths

As they eased open the secure hatch, a familiar voice rang out from within. "Duck!" A massive gout of flame licked at the corners of the doorway, blown open by the blast which sent Tommy and Seth to the floor. Jolene, one of Tommy's trustworthy society members, stood...

Conquest: Banedepths

Conquest: Banedepths

Returning back into the oldwalls catacombs, there seemed to be no end to the Banes lurking in forgotten hallways and behind ancient statuary. Between Eb's magic and my artifact blade we were able to make short work of them, but more than once we had to stop our...

Ranking Systems

Ranking Systems

In many competitive online games, players are matched up according to presumed skill and familiarity; it's generally no fun for either side to have a team composed of semi-professional gamers vie against opponents who have just started to try online play for the first...

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