Poetic Musings
Thank you for taking this literary journey with me! Here I post personal thoughts on social issues, reflections about day-to-day living, and of course a healthy amount of stories inspired by the many games I’ve played over the years. I try to update several times a week, and genuinely appreciate the care and support of all who read these words, whether the post is fanciful or heartfelt.
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Launching any role-playing campaign is a careful balance of characters interacting with each other, presentation of the setting, and initial motivation to explore the greater story. Recently I had occasion to begin running a new Legend of the Five Rings campaign for...
Both Sides of the Coin
Villagers never complain when the energy of living things is used to mend broken bones, heal cattle of illness, or save crops from waves of insects. They look upon the "miracles" and "blessings" with awe and wonder—sometimes even reverence—and always show their...
DC: Sanitary
Stepping out of the grime- and refuse-filled streets for a moment, it's about time for me to ride in on my high horse and complain about something I just don't understand about the DC catastrophe: blacklights. I completely get the idea that ultraviolet light can help...
Finding Character Nuance
Often a final step in the process of creating a character, particularly when it comes to role-playing games, is to write down attributes that aren't clean metrics; whether the character is "good" or "evil" is a pretty easy way to generalize their ethics, but not...
A Failed Resuscitation
Being something of a technophile, for years I've had a server at my house, providing network security, file sharing, and backup services to the computers on my network. Through my server I'm able to block ads across the whole of our internet connection, limit who has...
DC: Breaking Bonds
The outbreaks in New York and DC provide great examples of what can happen when societal norms break down and citizens take an "everyone for themselves" mentality. Civilization, I think, serves to save everyone from the "might makes right" logical fallacy that takes...