Poetic Musing-old

Poetic Musings

Thank you for taking this literary journey with me! Here I post personal thoughts on social issues, reflections about day-to-day living, and of course a healthy amount of stories inspired by the many games I’ve played over the years. I try to update several times a week, and genuinely appreciate the care and support of all who read these words, whether the post is fanciful or heartfelt.

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A SWOT Analysis Template

A SWOT Analysis Template

Several people I know are committed to making streaming online games a full-time profession, and I want to help them out by lending the benefit of my experiences planning, founding, and running my own business. I may not be an MBA but I have written a few prep...

Under Winter (Run Idea)

Under Winter (Run Idea)

» Incoming message from »»[trace unavailable]«« Mr. Gumrak, we have an opportunity for enterprising operatives the likes of which you have supplied in the past. In the early days of the 21st century the »»[transcription unavailable]«« corporation built a research...

Percussive Maintenance

Percussive Maintenance

A heavily-accented, deep voice commanded “go away. Go away and never come back to the Caribbean.” One of his men forced her into the waiting plane as she kicked, screamed, and cried. Her eyes snapped open, a hot sheen of sweat at odds with the too-cold air pumped in...

Convective Pressure

Convective Pressure

A popular game mode in Heroes of the Storm is Brawl, where each team's five heroes fight down a single, confined map lane. There are no map objectives other than to push down the opposing team's core, and players get a limited—and randomized—selection of heroes to...

Advanced Control Schemes

Advanced Control Schemes

On its face, Ubisoft’s For Honor—a third-person melee battle game—has a very straightforward set of controls. One button for heavy attacks, one for light, and the control stick which determines what direction you’re attacking from and defending against. Add in a few...

The Three Types of Computer Backup

The Three Types of Computer Backup

Many years ago I was out driving with my father and he noticed I didn't check the oil level when getting gas. "Always, always, always check the oil," he admonished me. "I know, dad" came the reply. "Well if you know, why didn't you do it?" For what feels like ages...

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