Poetic Musings
Thank you for taking this literary journey with me! Here I post personal thoughts on social issues, reflections about day-to-day living, and of course a healthy amount of stories inspired by the many games I’ve played over the years. I try to update several times a week, and genuinely appreciate the care and support of all who read these words, whether the post is fanciful or heartfelt.
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The Value of Gaming APIs
Sometimes software designers create an application programming interface (API) for their product, meaning third parties can ask questions of, and get results from, the given software. That sentence may sound esoteric, but please bear with me. If a single server holds...
Wasteland: A New Old Vault
As the bombs fell, a few of us were lucky enough to be rushed into special-made shelters designed to keep us safe until the world regained its sanity. In my case, being frozen for 200 years still didn't give it enough time. I was surprised to find that my...
The Pace of Change
The shrill keening of his alarm clock roused David from what had previously been a pleasant dream, throwing him into uncomfortable reality with all the subtlety of a cold bucket of water. With all the technology in the world, he mused sourly, why can't waking up be...
Rogg: Crossing Over
The guards stationed at the Southfury River gave me little more than a nod as I strode, filled with confidence and re-energized by purpose, out of the great Horde capital city. Instead of the dust-covered brown landscape of Durotar, the Barrens were...
Rogg: New Threads
Even with the fading vestiges of twilight framing the city in mournful violet, my conversation with Zallas had put a spring in my step, one that a few hours prior I didn't know if I'd find again. I followed his lead as he seemed to wander around Orgrimmar, looking for...
Conquest: Echocall Crossing
The sounds of battle greeted us as we approached Echocall Crossing, wounded Disfavored leaning against rocks and trees for support. A Scarlet Chorus commander was yelling at his counterpart in the Disfavored, arguing about failed plans and "tactical retreats." After a...