Poetic Musing-old

Poetic Musings

Thank you for taking this literary journey with me! Here I post personal thoughts on social issues, reflections about day-to-day living, and of course a healthy amount of stories inspired by the many games I’ve played over the years. I try to update several times a week, and genuinely appreciate the care and support of all who read these words, whether the post is fanciful or heartfelt.

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Conquest: Azurites

Conquest: Azurites

While attempting to locate Misery the following morning, I came across a refuge begging for my attention. "Please, Fatebinder, I ask you to intercede on my behalf – we have rights under Kyros' peace." The Scarlet Chorus member who had been beating him gave his words...

NW: Saving Grace

NW: Saving Grace

I have never understood the need for followers of any particular deity to erect large or grandiose churches and cathedrals to demonstrate their faith, or to fill those buildings with the type of wealth that could feed villages for generations. Across the city of...

DC: Resourcefulness

DC: Resourcefulness

A little hope can go a very long way when it comes to keeping a population motivated. It's been said that great change doesn't begin when things are at their worst—people have to see the possibility of life improving before they will take up arms to make it happen....

Conquest: the Fatebinder of War

Conquest: the Fatebinder of War

While investigating the city of Halfgate, seeking our contact within the Scarlet Chorus, a familiar face turned my way in the crowd. "I thought you might be poking around here," he chuckled without mirth. "No matter where you go, you sure churn up a wake, do you not?"...

NW: Cloak and Dagger

NW: Cloak and Dagger

Not all societies are fair or just—rarely even the best-intentioned ones are. Humans in particular, but by no means to the exclusion of the rest, find a great deal of satisfaction or contentment in blaming the "other" for their problems. Not enough food? Some other...

DC: Getting Friendly

DC: Getting Friendly

I don't know what it is about a disaster that makes some people think all the rules go out the window. Of course I recognize that DC has fallen into a general state of anarchy in recent months, but that hardly excuses many of the excesses and degredation Israel and I...