Poetic Musing-old

Poetic Musings

Thank you for taking this literary journey with me! Here I post personal thoughts on social issues, reflections about day-to-day living, and of course a healthy amount of stories inspired by the many games I’ve played over the years. I try to update several times a week, and genuinely appreciate the care and support of all who read these words, whether the post is fanciful or heartfelt.

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She spent every Summer at her grandparent's farm, surrounded by nature in a way she never could be at home in the city. There were cows in the barn, chickens in the roost, and endless fields of wild plants that waved with the passing wind. Every day was filled with...

All the Money in the World (Runner Concept)

All the Money in the World (Runner Concept)

The tight-fisted corporate overlords often overlooked Ronnie's division. Overseeing a marketing subsidiary, new ad campaigns came out on time and lead to increased sales. Whatever he was doing was working, and shipshape-looking boats were rarely hauled in for repairs....

Conquest: the Ocean Spire

Conquest: the Ocean Spire

Verse's careful eyes picked out several traps as we carefully advanced into the disquieting gloom. Braziers from a long-past civilization glowed with an unhealthy green light, but even standing next to one the oppressive darkness seemed to curl around every feature. a...

Success by Mistake

Success by Mistake

When it comes to competitive online play, most of the Heroes of the Storm online community focuses on one or two specific builds or talent choices for each hero, depending on the team composition and map choice. While there are on average over 1900 possible...

Conquest: Bane Home

Conquest: Bane Home

One of the last sights I expected to see upon re-approaching the oldwalls was a small contingent of Unbroken. Unmoved by the fact that I saved the lives of two prominent Unbroken commanders, they saw only allies to Voices of Nerat and his Scarlet Chorus. I offered to...

Stealing the Wind (Campaign Teaser)

Stealing the Wind (Campaign Teaser)

The honorable and venerated Hantei XX stared for a long time at the tall lion kneeling in supplication before him with head to the floor. "Matsu Ikuko," the young emperor eventually began, his quiet voice echoing in the silent room, "what news have you to report?"...

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